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Dear Friends:

The Moss Pelicans Chapter of the P. Buckley Moss Society held its first ever dinner meeting at my house in St. Petersburg, Florida, this past Sunday. Present was Hunter Hart, the young man whom the Chapter chose to be the beneficiary of its 2007 scholarship project. Hunter graduated from high school last year and has already earned thirty credits toward his college degree. Hunter has overcome numerous challenges as a student who learns differently through the support of his mother and the opportunities afforded him through virtual learning. Hunter is really good with computers and is pursuing a career in computer graphic design and programming. The Chapter is very proud of him.

Moss Pelicans Chapter President Bonnie-Lou Binnig presented Hunter Hart a check for $625 to help with his education costs. The Chapter held a raffle for a framed print of Pelican Watch to raise the money for Hunter. Note Bonnie-Lou's special Moss Pelicans Chapter shirt.

The Moss Pelicans' project this year is to raise funds to send one or more teachers to the P. Buckley Moss Foundation for Children's Education's Annual Creative Minds Conference for educators. The Conference brings together educators and presenters to discuss techniques, strategies, and lesson plans for incorporating the arts into the curriculum of every child and especially for those who learn differently. The Chapter members all agree that, by sponsoring one or more teachers for the Foundation Conference, they can help a lot more children.

St. Petersburg is so beautiful this time of year. It's warm, but not hot, and the sun shines every day. The St. Petersburg Museum of Fine Arts is within walking distance of my house, and I love to walk there to see what's new and take in their programs. Last week I heard a talk on the life and work of Johannes Vermeer, who was a 17th century Dutch Baroque painter specializing in domestic interior scenes of ordinary life. The talk was given by Dr. Arthur Wheelock of the National Gallery of Art in Washington, DC, and an expert on Vermeer. Vermeer's work was virtually forgotten for nearly two hundred years, until the art critic Thoré Bürger published an essay about him in 1866. As a result, Vermeer is now acknowledged as one of the greatest painters of the Dutch Golden Age and is particularly renowned for his mastery and use of light in his work.

The St. Petersburg Museum of Fine Arts will open a whole new wing in a few weeks, but I'll have to miss its grand opening. I'll be busy in February hosting a meeting of the Society's Board of Directors and also a meeting of my authorized dealers.

Hallelujah! I'm very pleased that I've completed the illustration paintings for the book Reuben and the Balloon, my latest collaboration with author Merle Good. If the printing process goes according to schedule, the book will be released at the People's Place Gallery in Intercourse, Pennsylvania, during my show with them September 19-20. I'm looking forward to seeing lots of you there to help me celebrate the release of the fourth book in the Reuben series.

Now that I've finished the book, I've turned my focus to my other painting projects. One of them is the painting for the large convention print for my Collectors' Convention that will be held at the Riverside Casino and Resort in Riverside, Iowa, (outside Iowa City and Cedar Rapids) April 4-5, 2008. The subject of the print is Clayton County's historic Motor Mill. The Motor Mill site is hidden in the Turkey River Valley and features a six-story limestone flour mill and four related stone buildings dating from the late 1860's.

Iowa's Motor Mill is the subject of this “work in progress” and will be the large convention print for my Collectors' Convention April 4-5 at the Riverside Casino and Resort in Riverside, IA. I'm looking forward to seeing my Iowan friends!

Another piece I'm working on is a quilt painting that will be released as a print edition during the 21st Annual Quilters' Heritage Celebration, which will be held at the Lancaster Host Resort & Conference Center in Lancaster, Pennsylvania, March 27-30, 2008. I'll be the guest speaker at the luncheon on Saturday, March 29, and I'll talk about my quilting prints and the meaning of quilts in my art. The Moss Portfolio will have a booth at the convention, and the new quilt print will be for sale.

This “work in progress” will be released as a print edition at the 21st Annual Quilters' Heritage Celebration, which will be held at the Lancaster Host Resort & Conference Center in Lancaster, Pennsylvania, March 27-30.

I'm looking forward to seeing you in the months ahead!


It is with fondness that I remember Lois K. Musser of Bellfontaine, and formerly of DeGraff, Ohio. Lois was possibly my oldest collector. She passed away last week at the age of 105. Her daughters Alice Baier and Marilyn Parker are also collectors and members of the Appleseeds of Moss Chapter in Bellefontaine. I had the pleasure of meeting Lois several times, and she was always such a joy to talk to. A toast to Lois on a life well-lived!

The Moss Portfolio
74 Poplar Grove Lane
Mathews, VA 23109
(800) 430-1320
©P. Buckley Moss 2005

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