Dear Friends:
We are all breathing a sigh of relief here in Mathews, Virginia, this
week as we learn about the terrible destruction caused by tornadoes
in Suffolk, Colonial Heights, and Brunswick. We were briefly included
in a tornado warning by the National Weather Service Monday afternoon,
but we were spared. Others were not so fortunate, and our thoughts
and prayers are with them. We imagine how we would feel if our
own homes were destroyed, and our hearts ache for our neighbors to the
south and the west of us.
This weekend my daughter Patty and I will be with my friend Shirley
Medlin in Leesburg, Virginia, for a show at her gallery Medlin Art,
Ltd. Shirley’s staff, volunteers, and collectors are a joy
to be with. Everyone is professional and at the same time warm
and friendly. We’re very much looking forward to being with
We’ll be releasing a print depicting a street scene in nearby,
historic Middleburg, Virginia. Middleburg features The
Red Fox Inn, which was built in 1728 and has enjoyed a long and
rich history. As Mathews natives would say, “That place
has heard the wind blow,” which means that the building has withstood
and witnessed much. It survived both the Revolutionary War and
the Civil War, serving as both a headquarters and a hospital for the
Confederates at the beginning of the Gettysburg campaign during the
latter. While strategy was being planned by General Jeb Stuart
and Colonel John Mosby upstairs in what is known today as the Jeb Stuart
Room, wounded soldiers were cared for in the tavern rooms below.
The pine service bar, which is in use today in the Tap Room, was made
from the field operating table used by an army surgeon who served with
General Stuart’s cavalry. The Red Fox Inn has hosted many
notable guests from George Washington to President and Mrs. John F.
Kennedy to Elizabeth Taylor and many others. It is on the National
Register of Historic Places and the Virginia Landmarks Register.
Middleburg will be released as a limited edition print during Medlin
Art, Ltd.’s, show May 2-3. For more information, please
contact the gallery at 703-771-8696.
I think it’s time for me to answer another question,
since I’ve received the same question from three different people
in the past week. That question is if I have a “bucket list.”
By the way, I absolutely loved the movie The Bucket List, and
I would love to travel with Jack Nicholson on that trip! For those
of you who haven’t seen the movie, a “bucket list”
is a list of things you want to do before you die. My answer is
that I don’t have one, but I still want to paint my best painting
I haven’t planned my life or anything in it. I was lucky
to be in schools that were good for me. Having my children was
very good for me, and loving to work has been good for me. If
I can continue to travel, I’ll love it. If I can continue
to meet wonderful, interesting people, I’ll love it. If
my energy level stays high, great! If things don’t happen,
I’ll accept that, too. Life is good, and I’m happy
and pretty healthy. What more can I ask?
The Moss Portfolio in Mathews, VA, is also the seasonal home
of a flock of wild geese, which is most appropriate considering
my use of geese in my art. We look forward to seeing the
new babies each spring.