Past Issues

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Hello Friends,

Cortona is now far away but still in mind. When I leave after a long stay, the colors and flavors of Tuscany are slow to fade even amongst the lush green of this Virginian spring. In my dreams, I have been returning to my house on the side of the mountain. There I have rearranged the furniture many times and in the mornings I have felt tired from the effort.

By Monday I was through the withdrawal period, thanks to an exciting weekend. The board of the Foundation met at the Museum to finalize plans for the annual teachers' conference, the teachers' workshops, the teacher awards program and its November Roanoke fundraiser dinner.

The Foundation boardmembers meeting in the Museum Studio. Around the table from left to right. Will Goodwin, Marianne Peterson, Sharon Eak, Dell Philpott, Bob Almond, Randy Myers (President), Carol Groves, Jan Fedorenko, Malcolm Henderson, Linda Wilson, Jean Lokerson.

Now I need your help. No, I am not asking for a donation of money! It is help in another form. If you know of a teacher of art or of special ed, please encourage her or him to visit the Foundation web page at

The Foundation has much to offer and our only problem is getting the word out to teachers. Every teacher has access to the Internet, either at home or at school. All we ask them to do is to take a few moments to look us up. Please help achieve this. We have great products and we need to get word out for the benefit of teachers and their students.

Next Friday night Malcolm and I will be in Ames, Iowa, to attend a Society fundraiser dinner for benefit of the Foundation. The Society is the major sponsor of the Foundation and we thank the membership for its generous support. In particular I thank the Heart of Iowa Chapter for again sponsoring a local teacher to attend our November conference at Sweet Briar College, Virginia. This is a wonderful gift that will benefit both the teacher and the school.

Dinner in the Barn for Foundation boardmembers and their spouses. Hosting the dinner: Pat, Malcolm, Corrado Gabellieri (Museum Director) and Ginny Moss Gabellieri.

One more important piece of news. The Foundation is planning the launch of a cyber newsletter designed specially for classroom teachers. The newsletter will include articles by teachers describing their own techinques for the use of the arts in teaching in general. I am frequently impressed by the ingenuity and initiatives of individual teachers and wish that others could learn from them. Often, however, these projects do not get beyond the teachers' classrooms. This newsletter will be a step towards a better sharing of ideas.

The newsletter will be sent at no cost to any teacher with an e-mail address. It will be a while before the first edition is ready but in the meantime, teachers are invited to forward their e-mail address. All addresses will be kept confidential and none will be disclosed to others.

Since her return, Pat has completed a painting of the Staunton, Virginia, birthplace of President Woodrow Wilson. The image will be published as a print.

I am going to leave you now until next week. I must return to my easel and then pack for Iowa. I am due to arrive in Des Moines in the morning. My first stop will be an impromptu visit to the Blank Park Zoo to sign prints of my recent painting of the zoo and then on to Ames to rest up for the evening.

Once more, remember to tell those teachers about us!


Pat and Roberto tend their garden in Italy.

PS. One last photo from Italy. Remember how the garden had been let go and how Malcolm had cleared and dug it during the first week? Now, four weeks later the garden is flourishing under the guidance of Roberto. Malcolm and I will not be here to enjoy the first of the produce but at least the family will have fresh organic vegetables right on their doorstep.

The Moss Portfolio
HC 69 Box 17118 Poplar Grove Lane
Mathews, VA 23109
(800) 430-1320
©P. Buckley Moss 2003