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Dear Friends:
Last Friday, my daughter Ginny and I went to the opening of an exhibit of two terrific artists at the Staunton Augusta Art Center in Staunton, Virginia.  Ida Trusch and Katharine Gilbert do beautiful wooden and metal sculptures and photo silk screens.  Ida’s father Captain Warren Trusch was one of my neighbors in Mathews, Virginia, until he passed away in 2002.

This sculpture was one of the showcase features by Ida Trusch. It is a beautiful wooden piece that incorporates a dolphin; the head of a turtle; and on the side away from the camera, a fish.

Ida and Kat and some of their friends hung the show themselves, and everything was perfect.  I succumbed to a piece of breathtaking woodwork.  Ginny and I arrived in time to hear them talk about their work, and it was most interesting.  The exhibit runs from July 18 to August 23, and I strongly suggest anyone in the area to stop by the Art Center and see it.  The Art Center is located at the R.R. Smith Center for History and Art, 20 S. New Street, Staunton, Virginia.  While you’re there, don’t forget to visit my Museum in Waynesboro, only ten miles away.

Vice President of Standards Greg Cook discusses some of the whitetail deer antler sculptures that could be found throughout the exhibit.  Note the photo silk screen above the sculptures.

This weekend I’ll be in Berlin, Ohio, for a show with my friends at Berlin Creek Gallery.  Berlin is Amish country, and I’m very much looking forward to seeing the beautiful, pristine farms, eating some very good but bad-for-my-waistline food (the good stuff is always fattening), and staying at the Miller Haus B&B—not to leave out seeing all my wonderful friends again!  The Miller Haus B&B sits on top of a hill and has wrap-around porches, so I’ll be able to take it all in.
Gallery owner Nancy Tarzan and her team of helpers are excited and pumped up for the show.  They’ve been going like gangbusters decorating, framing, and hanging.  I can’t wait to see how fantastic everything looks, and we’ll release a special print edition during the show that I think everyone will enjoy.  It depicts a local farm that sits gracefully in one of the little valleys.

Amish Homeland will be released during my show with Berlin Creek Gallery in Berlin, OH, July 25-26.  For more information, please contact the gallery at 330-893-2686.

’Til next week…

This past weekend the P. Buckley Moss Museum participated in the Daylily & Wine Festival at the André Viette Farm & Nursery in Fishersville, Virginia

The Moss Portfolio
74 Poplar Grove Lane
Mathews, VA 23109
(800) 430-1320
©P. Buckley Moss 2005

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