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Dear Friends:
Oh, my!  What a joy it was to be at The Greenbrier in White Sulphur Springs, West Virginia, for a weekend.  What a fabulous place to have a show, and I thank Ruth Miller of Kitten’s Korner, as well as her family and staff, for coordinating and setting it up.  The quiet, peace, and beauty surrounded us; it was such a relaxing atmosphere.  My daughter Patty went with me, and our accommodations were beautiful.  The food was without a doubt beyond compare.  My thanks also to Betsy Conte, The Greenbrier’s Director of Social Activities, for inviting us.

This is one of the rooms in The Greenbrier where my work was displayed—beautiful!

I had such a great time talking with people and showing them my new work, among which was the special show print The Greenbrier-America’s Resort.  I especially enjoyed showing my larger pieces and seeing people’s positive reaction to them.  There is nothing that pleases an artist more than seeing people respond to her work.

It’s always fun to see old friends.  My daughter Patty (left) and I were delighted to see Jim Berlin (right) of Waynesboro, VA.  Jim’s brother Edward, a community leader and supporter, was one of the best-loved people in Waynesboro for years.  We had fun reminiscing and comparing stories.

This weekend I’ll be in Collinsville, Illinois, which is really close to St. Louis, Missouri, for a show with my friends at The Art Loft.  Gallery owners Paul and Carolyn Welch and I will release two new special prints during the show.  St. Louis is a new giclée on canvas, and Yours Forever is an offset lithograph.

The new St. Louis giclée on canvas (above) and the new print Yours Forever (below) will be released during my show with The Art Loft September 5-6.  For more information, please contact the gallery at 618-344-1212.

I am very much looking forward to having dinner with members of the P.B.’s Pals Chapter of the P. Buckley Moss Society Thursday evening.  I always love spending some time with chapter members and hearing about their projects.
My Collectors’ Convention is just around the corner, and I’m so excited!  It will be held September 12-13 at The Hotel Roanoke and Conference Center in Roanoke, Virginia.  I’m really happy with the special paintings that I’ve created for the Convention, and I can’t wait to show them to you.  So, I’m going to give you a preview here.

Thomas Jefferson honors one of our country’s most important Founding Fathers, as well as his architecture.  I created this painting as the special, large Convention print.  For the first time, we will be offering the large Convention print as both an offset lithograph ($150) and as a giclée on canvas ($500).  Collectors do not have to attend the Convention to purchase Thomas Jefferson.  Giclées and prints may be ordered from your gallery prior to the event; however, the number of orders received by the close of the Convention on Saturday, September 13, at 5:00 p.m. will determine the size of the edition.


Hotel Roanoke is the special, small Convention print.  It will be available to attendees during the Convention for the special price of $70.  Each attendee may purchase two copies of the print for me to personalize at the event.  After the Convention, this print will be available for $100.  A matching porcelain plaque, designed to be framed with the print, will be available only with the purchase of the print.  The cost of the plaque is $25; $30 after the Convention.

Jefferson’s Monticello (top left), $60; The Jefferson Memorial (top right), $45; UVA’s Rotunda (bottom left), $60; and Virginia’s State Capitol (bottom right), $55 are four prints that will be released during the Convention.  The print images are also available as individual porcelain plaques ($25 each) that may be purchased along with the Thomas Jefferson print or their corresponding small print shown above.  The four plaques are free with the purchase of the Thomas Jefferson giclée.


The Valley ($110) is another print that will be released during the Convention.


You won’t want to miss my new Virginia poster!  Virginia by P. Buckley Moss ($50) will be released at the Convention and features many of my Virginia-inspired images within it.

We have something brand new planned for this Convention; something we’ve never done before.  There will be a Book and Author Luncheon on Friday, September 12, at 1:00 p.m.  The Book and Author Luncheon is the brainchild of Bob Almond, the Foundation’s Executive Director who recently retired.  We are going to miss Bob and his creative, fun energy.  This event is sponsored by and benefits the P. Buckley Moss Foundation for Children’s Education.  It will cost $35 per person.  To purchase tickets, please contact the Foundation office at 540-932-1728.  Collectors attending the luncheon will be invited into the show first and will be given low signing numbers so they can have their Convention purchases signed by me early on after I arrive for the show.
I will be there, along with Merle Good, the author with whom I’ve collaborated on the Reuben series of children’s books.  I’m so pleased to be able to announce that we will have Merle’s and my latest collaboration Reuben and the Balloon available for purchase and signing during the luncheon.  The official release date for the book is during my show with The People’s Place Gallery in Intercourse, Pennsylvania, September 19-20, but Merle has graciously allowed us to preview it at this book signing—so, come and get your book a week early!  This is a rare opportunity to get both Merle’s and my autographs at the same time.  Due to our schedules, it’s so hard to get the two of us together in the same place.  I’m very flattered that Merle is taking the time to come down and be with us.

Balloons Aloft (above) and Balloon in our Orchard (below) are prints that will be released during People’s Place’s show September 19-20.  The prints are also included as illustrations in the book Reuben and the Balloon.

Other authors in attendance at the Book and Author Luncheon will be Sharyn McCrumb, Logan Ward, and Camelia Elliott.  Camelia has also donated her time and talent in designing a quilted wall hanging around one of my painted fabric quilt squares, and it will be auctioned during the Dinner Dance Saturday night to benefit the Foundation.
See you soon!

The Moss Portfolio
74 Poplar Grove Lane
Mathews, VA 23109
(800) 430-1320
©P. Buckley Moss 2005

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