Dear Friends:

I was honored to be asked to participate in the Taubman Museum’s ribbon-cutting ceremony for its new Special Exhibition Gallery as a regional artist representing Blacksburg and Virginia Tech.  Helping to cut the ribbon with me Friday evening were regional artists Betty Branch and Bill Rutherfoord.  The first show in Taubman’s new gallery space will be a Norman Rockwell exhibition, which will open at the end of March.  The ribbon-cutting ceremony coincided with Taubman’s “A Dickens of a Christmas” Friday evening program, and we were treated with singing by the Roanoke Valley Children’s Choir.

Cutting the ribbon for the Taubman Museum’s new Special Exhibition Gallery, with other regional artists Betty Branch and Bill Rutherfoord.

L. to R.:  Artist Betty Branch; me; Della Watkins, Executive Director of the Taubman Museum; and artist Bill Rutherfoord.

L. to R.:  Jeff Waalkes; Ruth Waalkes, Executive Director, Center for the Arts at Virginia Tech; and me posing inside of a frame in front of Norman Rockwell’s original painting
Framed.  Framed is part of the Taubman Museum’s permanent collection.  Their Norman Rockwell exhibit will open at the end of March in the new Special Exhibition Gallery.

My last signing event of the year was held last weekend at my gallery in Blacksburg, Virginia.  We were so delighted to have members of the Renaissance Music Academy of Virginia play for us again.  They were in the gallery both days, and their music was so beautiful.

One of my youngest collectors with his
Legend of the Sea print.

Some of the students of the Renaissance Music Academy of Virginia with their parents.  Instructor Teresa Ehrlich is on the far right.

Amelie Piccaud playing the violin, accompanied by instructor Teresa Ehrlich.

Music Academy President David Ehrlich helping student Winston Fan tune his cello before his performance.

Wishing everyone a blessed Christmas, with love,

P. Buckley Moss Galleries, Ltd
74 Poplar Grove Lane
Mathews, VA 23109
(800) 430-1320
©P. Buckley Moss 2015

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